Medieval Weapons
Medieval weapons have shaped our history, like castles have shaped our land. From traditional handheld armaments used to inflict terrible injuries, to vast wooden structures used to destroy castles, medieval weapons have been notorious.
The Medieval Sword
Swords played a crucial role in medieval warfare, and their history is a fascinating journey through time. Here we explore the evolution of medieval swords and the different types that emerged over the centuries.
The Medieval Crossbow
The medieval crossbow was a formidable weapon that played a significant role in warfare. Learn about its history, construction, and use in battle.
Medieval Shields
Medieval Shields were essential for the protection of soldiers during medieval warfare. They came in all sorts of shapes and sizes, tailored to their specific use on the battlefield. They provided not only protection, but also a medium to display their heraldry and colours, to rally troops and to stoke fear (and heavy blunt blows) into their enemies.
The Trebuchet
The Trebuchet was the most fearsome medieval weapon in the middle ages. Capable of smashing castle fortifications and slinging rotten carcases over castle walls. It was so formidable that on some occasions castles under siege surrendered upon the mere sight of a Trebuchet being constructed nearby.
The Medieval Longbow
The longbow was one of the most deadly medieval weapons of the middle ages that could be used by a single soldier. A small cluster of bowmen, each armed with the longbow, could wipe out scores of invaders with every 'loose' of the bow. A terrifying rain of arrows would fly through the air, and as some historical articles suggest, they would almost block out the sun!
The Catapult
The Catapult worked alongside the Trebuchet as a medieval siege weapon in the middle ages. The Catapult was used to launch projectiles a great distance, and remains one of the most effective medieval weapons during warfare.